
Covid-19 has been a long hard haul for some people. Uncertainty and fear, frustration and financial stress, isolation and irritation. All become weights we don’t even realize we’re carrying. Then one day you snap and behave in a way you are embarrassed about later… but it wasn’t the incident itself it was the weight you were carrying without knowing. That weight has worn you down to where you can’t bear any more.

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Love is an action word.
It isn’t a fluttery feeling in your stomach although it can cause that. It isn’t flowers and chocolates although those things can be an expression of love. It isn’t romance although we all see love in the midst of romance.

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Crossroads’ Origin Story: A Tribute to Rory Ryan

Crossroads began in the heart of Rory Ryan and it grew from there. He wanted to create homes for kids so no kid had to be alone. Watch this video to learn more about the history of Crossroads Family Services.

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All of us desire connection. We don’t always recognize that connection is what we are looking for, but we seek it none the less. For some it is a connection with their history or ancestry. An opportunity to be rooted in the past. For most, it is the desire to be seen and known in the present through a relationship. For still others it is the desire to be a part of something that is bigger than the sum of it’s parts, something that is building a future that they will be remembered for.

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Foster Care Facts

The need for foster families is growing as the world changes. As a foster care agency, Crossroads provides temporary or long term foster homes for children in need. We are always seeking compassionate adults to open their homes and lives as foster parents.

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Taken for Granted

As we enter week five of being home with kids and the restrictions keep getting tighter I have heard a lot about what we have taken for granted.

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We’re on the radio!

Family Solutions Group, the parent company of Crossroads Family Services, has started radio advertising for Crossroads highlighting the need for foster care providers and overnight respite care providers. Tune into 105.9 Shine FM in Edmonton to hear our commercials on a family friendly radio station.

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Foster families needed throughout central Alberta

Currently in Alberta, there are thousands of children living in foster care. There are also hundreds more in need of a foster care placement.

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The Crossroads’ Story

Learn more about the history of Crossroads Family Services. We are a family business with extensive personal experience fostering. We are here to support you. https://youtube.com/watch?v=WiVDzyDHiAw Contact us at main@crossroadsfs.mysites.io or 780-430-7715 if you want to know more about fostering. Or click here for more information on a FREE Foster Care information session.

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Foster Parent

We have not done it all perfectly, but we have dared to do it and it has made a difference.

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