Privacy Policy

All Family Solutions Group (FSG) agencies, including Crossroads Family Services, value and respect your privacy. The policies below are intended to clearly inform our users about our privacy practices and procedures regarding website use.

Personally Identifying Information

Crossroads does not collect personally identifying information (such as a user’s name, address, telephone number or email address) about users of our website, except when specifically and knowingly provided by such users.

Non-Personal Information

In some cases, we may collect non-personal information. Examples of this type of information include the type of Internet browser you are using, the type of computer operating system you are using, and the domain name of the website from which you linked to our site or advertisement. We may use this information for various purposes, including system administration.

Use of Personally Identifying Information

Crossroads does not share personally identifying information with third parties, other than the minimum necessary to perform user requested tasks, such as a credit check for credit card payments to Crossroads. Crossroads may use personally identifying information from user emails sent to us to contact users in the limited circumstances noted below: By providing an e-mail option, we intend to provide a means by which you may send comments, questions, resumes, and other communications to us. These messages are forwarded to the appropriate persons at Crossroads for response at their discretion. In addition, when you send an e-mail message to Crossroads and you indicate an interest in our products or services or we believe you may have an interest in our products or services, we may from time to time use the contact information to provide you with marketing information we think would be of particular interest. We will always give you the opportunity to opt out of receiving such communications by notifying us of your preference to opt out us via email.


Crossroads is committed to taking reasonable steps to ensure the security of your information. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information provided to Crossroads.

Privacy Precaution Warning

Please note that no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee the security of the information that you transmit via our online services. Please note that we reserve the right to access and/or disclose the user information discussed herein (including personal information) as required by courts and/or administrative agencies and to the extent required to permit us to investigate suspected fraud, harassment, or other violations of law or our website rules or policies.

Your Consent

By using this Web site, you consent to our use of your personally identifying information and non-personal data as specified above. You further authorize the export of personal information to Canada and its storage and use as specified in this policy when you provide such information to us. This policy and all legal obligations of Crossroads are subject to the laws of Alberta and Canada, regardless of the location of any user. Any claims or complaints must be filed in Canada in the Province of Alberta. If Crossroads decides to change this Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this page, so you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances we disclose it.

Concerns and Comments

You may contact our Privacy Administrator with any further questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or any use of your personally identifying information by email at: